A bit of everyday hugo commands

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I’m using Hugo as blog engine. So, here is a bit of cli commands

Create new post

hugo new post/postname.md

Formatting in summary

By default summary is plain text, soo.. just use <!--mоre--> and formatting will work in summary. I’m going to make most of posts just only summary, maybe I can change hugo code, to add <!--mоre--> automatically?

Lets try..

Yes, I can change archetypes/default.md. And I also want draft to be false by default.. here we go:

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: false


Btw: I used Cyrillic ‘o’ in ‘more’, otherwise it breaks layout. Maybe there is better solution, but I do not think I will need to talk about <!--mоre--> again any time soon.

Publish post

  • Go to post header section (top of .md file)
  • Remove draft: true or replace it with draft:false

Run locally

hugo server -D

Will run hugo server in “development” mode, draft blogs are visible

hugo server

will run it in “release” mode


  • We need 2 repositories: – One is our root repository with themes and all raw data – Subproject liked to %blogname%.github.io
  • So git add %ssh.link.to.blogname.project.on.github% public
  • hugo command will compile static html content to public folder
  • cd public && git add . && git commit -m 'whatever' && git push

Also: README.md has a priority over index.html, so, remove it if you had added it during project creation.