
Why frameworks don't last long?

They are costly to maintain

That’s why we have brand new framework every year.

It’s kind of weird:

  • Framework without components is just a pattern.
  • The more components you have, the more successfull will be your framework.
  • To create competitive minimum of components you need to engage 3rd party devs.

However, for 3rd party component creators situation is different:
the more frameworks use your component - the more succesful your component is.

At the end of the day, we have framework-idependent component + set of wrappers.

So, frameworks tend to dissolve and turn back into patterns. Unless, they have some unique “game changing” features which are hard to replicate, complicated and bloated.

Here is a fork:

  • If fremework creators refactor framework architecture - that lead to simplification of core features, they become replicatabe, they are replicated, and framework turn into design pattern.
  • If they do not refactor their code - that lead to complicated legacy code which is impossible to maintain.

One way or another - all frameworks are doomed 🙄