
Hugo feedback problem

Ok I have this static blog now, it’s kind of useful for myslef, but I have no idea if anyone else read it. I can use some 3rd party js based tracker, but adblockers will cancel them and I that’s feels right. As for this blog is static website and hosted on github pages I can’t count visitors myself on server side.

So there is no obvious solution. So, let’s get a stap back and view bigger picture

What is the purpose of counting visitors?

  1. I need some feedback for psychological comfort. Actually, this is main reason. Pointless work lead to depression, so it should be avoided. 1.1. The blog itself is a feedback for finding solution for some complicated situations.
  2. I want to know what pasts are good and what posts are bullshit.
  3. In crisis times I want to use every opprotunity to earn something, do I have any opprtunities here?
  4. In wealthy times I want to help other people to become wealthy, because economy of scale magical effect on infrastructure which I use. More digital nomads -> cheaper flights, you know.

How can I achieve this goals without counting visitors?

A few raw ideas:

  • Donations might be better metric. Bots do not donate, you know. I do not think I will ever receive much, but donation require some effort, so I will be sure that people really like something. Even if it’s 0.0000000000000000001 cents.
    • Hmm, maybe paid comments will be nice? At least I will have resources to moderate them and to answer questions in time.
  • Mention of my blog on other websites. However, if I will post link to my blog somewhere that will ruin the metric.
  • “Hireme” is there, but it would be rare case anyway.
  • I can see traffic for my github projects, that can be affected by blog indirectly, but.. too indirectly

Donations looks like the best option for now…

.. sounds of investigation process …

Ok, I’ve registred on “Buy me a coffee”. Here is the link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/snowyurik

How to add “buy me a coffee” to hugo website?

Let’s see..

Maybe for other themes it will be different, but at least for binario theme:

  • Go to themes/binario/layouts/_default/baseof.html
  • Add <script>.. from Buy me a coffee there, widget will appear on all pages.

Ok, done with that.

Custom color for “buy me a coffee” widget

<script >.. has a parameter data-color, lets change it and see what happen.. that affects only the circle and it’s iframe. As for as I remember we can access iframe, but I do not want to dig it righ now. So lets leave it as is.

Can I make the coffee cost less?

I do not really care about money here, I will better receive more frequent feedback. Let’s see if I can change minimal donation..

It’s here https://www.buymeacoffee.com/page-settings, so I’m switching from 5$ (which is default) to 1$(which is minimal). Checking if it works.. nice 😊

Ok, if you want to say something about it - feel free to add comment to 1$ donation using the widget in right bottom corner 😅