ResultMatcher for .addExpect
Let’s say we save some list of items and then read it back. Here is our original list:
List<MyItem> myItemList = new ArrayList<MyItem>() {{
add( new MyItem() {{
title = "Test Item 1";
add( ... );
And we have mockMvc defined like:
@Autowired MockMvc mvc;
We can store the list with mvc.perform( put("/api/myitem/list" )).andExpect( status().isOk() )
We can read the list with mvc.perform( get("/api/myitem/list" )).andExpect( status().isOk() )
The problem
We do not have database ids in our original list.
So .andExpect( content().json( myItemListAsJsonString ) )
will give us false-negative result.
Solution - use lambda callback for comparison
.andExpect( status().isOk() )
.andExpect( (result)->{ // lambda for ResultMatcher
// return void
// if result not match expectation - we should throw exception
String jsonString = result.getResponse().getContentAsString();
List<MyItem> storedMyItemList = objectMapper.readValue(jsonString,
new TypeReference<List<MyItem>>(){});
for( MyItem storedItem : storedMyItemList) { x -> storedItem.title.equals(x.title))
() -> { // lambda for exception
throw new AssertionError("MyItem not found, expected: \n"
+ myItemListAsJsonString + "\nactual: \n" + jsonString
+ " field is ignored"